Every patient is unique and will receive a personalized plan of treatment, which might include any or a combination of our services from treatment to supportive care to survivorship clinics. Our treatments are focused on taking care of each individual.
- Surgery, including minimally-invasive laparoscopic surgery.
- The most current and novel treatments including chemotherapy, immunotherapy and/or targeted therapy. Progress in treatment of genitourinary malignancies of the prostate, bladder, and kidney cancers have allowed for more personalized care of patients diagnosed with these conditions.
- Radiation therapy using the latest technologies. The University of Arizona's Department of Radiation Oncology is a well-equipped, state of the art radiation therapy center.
- Personalized genetic profiling to help families with a history of a genetic condition to screen for diseases that are more common in certain groups, learn about the higher chance for certain types of cancers developing and to provide new avenues for treating cancer.
Management of Side Effects:
- Pelvic Floor Clinic - helps with postoperative urinary incontinence issues.
- Lymphedema Clinic - helps when there is swelling after lymph nodes are removed.
- Ostomy Teaching - helps with confidence in managing ostomy care.
- Nutritional Counseling - helps prevent weight loss from cancer or treatment.
- Pain Management Services - helps control pain so a patient can carry on with everyday life.
- Palliative Care - helps manage symptoms of the disease and treatment.
- Survivorship Clinic - offers lifestyle changes to improve the quality of life for all cancer survivors.
- Nursing and Lay Navigation Services are available to help guide in making the best treatment decisions, provide resources to deal with the logistics of care, and facilitate services as needed.
- Emotional and Supportive Care Services are offered when help is needed, emotionally, socially and spiritually.
- Behavioral Health Services can provide support when dealing with depression and difficulties coping with challenges.
Our Researchers
Dan Theodorescu, MD, PhD
Nancy C. and Craig M. Berge Endowed Chair for the Director of the Cancer Center
Professor of Urology and Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Clinical and Translational Oncology Program
Hina Arif-Tiwari, MD, FSAR
Professor, Medical Imaging
Vice Chair, Clinical Affairs
Clinical and Translational Oncology Program
Benjamin R Lee, MD
Chair and Professor
The George W. Drach Endowed Chair in Urology
Department of Urology
Clinical and Translational Oncology Program
Gregory Woodhead, MD, PhD
Clinical and Translational Oncology Program
Alejandro Recio Boiles, MD, FACP
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
Clinical and Translational Oncology Program
Bital Savir-Baruch, MD, FACNM
Clinical and Translational Oncology Program