Medical Students

To enrich their medical school education, students can pursue short-term training programs during vacation periods or extended training programs offered by the College of Medicine.

Activities Led by the Office of Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination

Oncology Summer Internship 

The Oncology Summer Internship (OSI) is a unique, clinically focused internship where students will have the opportunity to shadow local oncology professionals and interact with patients in outpatient clinics, operating rooms, pathology and radiology labs, as well as in-patient hospital settings four full days per week. The internship’s shadowing component is designed to show students “a day in the life of an oncologist” and help them explore the various oncology subspecialties. The OSI is a paid, 4-week clinical shadowing internship designed to help underrepresented in medicine (UIM) medical students explore cancer care and oncology as a career. Students must be a rising second-year student at one of the selected OSI host sites to be considered for participation.

Robert A. Winn Summer Externship

The Robert A. Winn Clinical Investigator Pathway Program provides medical students a six-week summer service-learning externship in community-based clinical research sites where they benefit from exposure to clinical research, community engagement experiences, and leadership development. The CIPP is a program of the Robert A. Winn Excellence in Clinical Trials Award Program which focuses on increasing opportunity in clinical trials to transform the clinical research landscape. 


Winn CIPP externs will be matched up with a mentor who is a clinic-based UACC member, a Winn CDA scholar, and an early-stage investigator.

Travel Awards

Provide funds for trainees to present at cancer-relevant conferences, learn new techniques in collaborator's laboratory, or attend workshops or short courses.

College of Medicine Training Programs

Medical Student Research Program

This program connects medical students with mentors who provide guidance on their research.