The mission of the University of Arizona Cancer Center Analytical Chemistry Shared Resource (ACSR) is to provide Cancer Center investigators with centralized resources and expertise in performing analytical chemistry assays; metabolomics and lipidomics; and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data analysis and interpretation.
The Behavioral Measurement and Interventions Shared Resource (BMISR) has more than 25 years of experience providing support to University of Arizona Cancer Center members and other University and national researchers studying human lifestyle behaviors related to cancer prevention and control.
The Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Shared Resource (BBSR) at the University of Arizona Cancer Center brings together expertise in experimental design, statistical analysis, genomic and proteomic analysis, biologic pathway analysis, clinical trials, statistical computing, and database applications.
The Experimental Mouse Shared Resource (EMSR) has provided expertise to the University of Arizona Cancer Center and outside investigators since 1993.
The Flow Cytometry & Human Immune Monitoring Shared Resource at the University of Arizona Cancer Center supports the research needs of all Cancer Center members by providing state-of-the-art instrumentation for data acquisition, analysis, and cell sorting, and the technical expertise to interpret results, and develop methods.
The Tissue Acquisition and Cellular / Molecular Analysis Shared Resource (TACMASR) provides support and pathology-related services to University of Arizona Cancer Center and University of Arizona researchers on a fee-for-service basis. We strive to maximize research dollars through customized, cost-effective, and quality-controlled services.
The microscopy core at the UACC is a developing advanced microscopy facility for all UA researchers, with an emphasis on serving the immediate needs and future demands of biomedical and translational scientists. This developing shared resource will be established after the acquisition of several multimodal Nikon microscopy platforms.
Equipment and services available for the development and analysis of biomarkers can be found in many of the Shared Resources at the University of Arizona Cancer Center. This page provides a centralized location where you will find descriptions and links to all available resources for biomarker research, regardless of the umbrella under which they've been subsumed.