Membership Guidelines

Consideration of an individual for membership in the University of Arizona Cancer Center requires a major interest in promoting the mission of the UArizona Cancer Center.

There are two membership categories –

Member and Associate. 

Membership Application Form


  • Full-time faculty who serve as PI or Project Leader of cancer-relevant peer-reviewed research grants; team science investigator (i.e., radiology, pathology) who is typically listed as co-investigator (e.g., >20% on multiple cancer grants), or 

  • A leader in cancer research as evidenced by serving as a PI of interventional cancer trial that is investigator-initiated and institutionally funded, or 

    • PI of an industry-sponsored trial for which the member was a primary scientific contributor to the trial’s design, implementation, and monitoring, or 

    • Site PI of a multi-site interventional investigator-initiated trial initiated at another center that accrues at least 5- subjects a year at UACC, or 

    • Holds national leadership position in NCI National Clinical Trials Network studies (National PI or Study Chair, PI on U10 grant, NCTN (or nationally recognized consortium) Committee Chair, or 

  • New recruit or investigator in cancer research (4-year initial term) or researcher active in another field and has gained interest in pursuing cancer-relevant research. 


  • Associate Members must meet the following criteria: Not involved in cancer research but is actively engaged in patient care or plays a leadership role (e.g., Shared Resource Director, physician leader) that is critical to the success of the Cancer Center. 

General Membership

  • Eligibility for research space in Cancer Center buildings under the authority of the Director and the Cancer Center Space Committee 
  • Membership listing on Cancer Center website
  • Access to Shared Resources and Common Equipment and priority use for the following Cancer Center Shared Resources and Developing Research Cores and Services: 
    • Analytical Chemistry
    • Behavioral Measurements and Intervention
    • Bioinformatics & Biostatistics
    • Experimental Mouse
    • Flow Cytometry & Human Immune Monitoring Facility 
    • Microscopy Shared Resources
    • Tissue Acquisition and Cellular/Molecular Analysis 
  • Clinical Protocol and Data Management services to including cancer clinical trial support of data management, pre- and post-award support, and protocol development assistance
  • Access to pre-award administrative services for multi-investigator, center-wide PPG proposals (P01 and P50s) 
  • Waiver of registration fees for all Cancer Center-sponsored conferences and retreats with approval 
  • Notification of available research awards, conferences, and seminars 
  • Scientific and technical review of proposed research by scientific Program Members 
  • Increased visibility through the Cancer Center's communications and marketing team (i.e. media releases, feature stories, photography, video, spotlight through the UACC website and social media platforms)
  • Application for developmental funds, pilot project funding, and other special award funding through the Cancer Center 

  • Acknowledge the CCSG, P30CA023074, in manuscripts and presentations that:
    • contain results obtained in the CCSG shared resources, or
    • receive CCSG supplement funds, or
    • pilot projects that are funded by CCSG Developmental funds such as Basic-Clinical Research Partnerships
  • All members must actively participate in one of the Cancer Center scientific Programs. This includes but is not limited to authorship of collaborative cancer-related manuscripts, development of new research projects, intra– and inter– programmatic project collaboration, attendance at the Cancer Center Program meetings, sponsored conferences, seminars, and Innovative Working Groups. 
Research Program Program Leaders
Clinical and Translational Oncology Steffan Nawrocki, PhD (;
Aaron Scott, MD (
Cancer Biology Nathan Ellis, PhD (;
Koenraad Van Doorslaer (
Cancer Prevention & Control Jennifer W. Bea, PhD (;
Heidi Hamann, PhD (
  • Clinicians must actively participate in established UArizona Cancer Center multidisciplinary clinics, tumor boards, disease- oriented teams (DOTs), clinical trial meetings, and other Cancer Center-sponsored clinical and educational programmatic activities.
  • All members must submit all cancer-related studies involving humans and/or human specimens/data to the Cancer Center’s Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee (PRMC) prior to submission to the Institutional Review Board. All members’ cancer clinical trials will be routinely reviewed for accrual by the PRMC. The policies and procedures for the PRMC are available on the Cancer Center website.
  • All members conducting clinical trials must provide information on cancer clinical studies (patient data, adverse events, protocol deviations, copies of IRB approval letters, revised protocols, audit reports, etc.) regardless of whether or not they utilize the UArizona Cancer Center Clinical Trials Office.
  • All members conducting clinical trials must provide copies of IRB submissions in regards to serious adverse events, protocol deviations, and audit reports regardless if they utilize the Cancer Center's Clinical Trials Office or not.
  • Provide information annually to the UArizona Cancer Center, or as required, to fulfill the CCSG applications to the National Cancer Institute including:
    • Updated Biosketches (with funding support)
    • Updated research interests
    • Updated list of publications, papers and abstracts
    • Information on clinical studies
    • Shared Resource service usage 
    • Progress reports (as applicable)
    • Prompt response to surveys from the Office of Administration
    • Updated list of current trainees who are conducting research with you
  • All members must communicate to Program Leaders and Administration any major new cancer-related discoveries, honors and awards.
  • Participation with communication and development-related activities
  • Provide updates for online membership profile as requested by the Cancer Center's Communications Office.

Complete the online University of Arizona Cancer Center Membership Application Form and provide all required documents, including most current NIH-formatted biosketch with extramural support. Additional information can be obtained by contacting UACC's Administrative Assistant at  

Individual applications are evaluated by Administration, recommended, or rejected by the Program Leader, and finally approved by the Cancer Center's Director. Applicants receive notification of the decision on their applications up to ten weeks after application submission. 

Membership is reviewed annually by the University of Arizona Cancer Center Membership Committee and membership categories may be reassigned based on current review of category criteria and updated member information. Membership reassignment recommendations will then be sent to the University of Arizona Cancer Center Director for approval. The Director has final authority for approval, disapproval, or termination of membership.