Nikon BioPipeline SLIDE High-Content Microscope Information and Specifications

Nikon BioPipeline Slide High-Content Microscope

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Nikon Crest Microscope and Slide

Instrument Description

Instrument Features

The Nikon "BioPipeline" is an automated, widefield slide scanning system equipped with a Marzhauser Slide Express 2 loader with a 120-slide capacity for high-throughput imaging. Unlike many slide scanning systems, the BioPipline supports high-resolution fluorescence imaging and can acquire a wide range of fluorophores (UV - IR). The BioPipeline also has the unique feature of having optics for Polarized Light Microscopy, enabling high-contrast imaging of birefringent samples. This system is equipped with high-NA objectives from 2x - 40x and supports both 1 x 3 and 2 x 3 glass slides to accommodate a wide range of imaging needs. The BioPipeline systems is offered as a Slide Scanning Service at the MSR and is ideal for projects that require imaging large datasets in an automated fashion.

  • High-resolution fluorescence imaging 
    • wide spectral coverage (UV - IR wavelengths)
  • Optics for Polarized Light Microscopy
  • High-NA objective lenses from 2x - 40x
  • High-throughput imaging service 
    • designed large datasets with quick turnaround needs

Instrument Details
Available Lasers

390nm / 440nm / 475nm / 510nm / 555nm / 637nm / 748nm

Available Objective Lenses
  • 2x Plan Apo (NA =0.1; WD =8.5mm)
  • 4x Plan Apo (NA = 0.2; WD = 20mm) 
  • 10x Plan Apo (NA = 0.45; WD = 4mm)
  • 20x Plan Apo (NA = 0.75; WD = 1mm) 
  • 40x Plan Apo (NA = 0.95; WD = 250um)
Available Cameras
  • Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash4.0 V3 (fluorescence)
    • Front-illuminated sCMOS sensor with 82% EQ 
    • Pixel Size = 6.5um
    • Sensor Size =2048 ×2048
  • Nikon DS-Fi3 (color)
    • Color CMOS sensor
    • Pixel Size - 2.4um
    • Sensor Size 2880 x 2048
Emission Filters
  • DAPI - 432nm / 36nm
  • CFP - 474nm / 42nm
  • GFP - 515nm / 30nm
  • YFP - 544nm / 24nm
  • Cy3 - 595nm / 31nm
  • Cy5 - 680nm / 42nm
  • Cy7 - 809nm /81nm
Supported Samples
  • Slides only (1x 3 and 2 x 3)