Nikon AX-R Multiphoton Microscope Information and Specifications

Nikon AX-R Multiphoton Microscope

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Nikon AXR MP Scope and Lens

Instrument Description

Instrument Features

The Nikon "AX R MP" microscope is an upright multiphoton system ideal for intravital imaging and imaging thick (>200um) samples. The AX R MP is
equipped with dual IR lasers (1 tunable and 1fixed) for fast, multichannel MP imaging and a high-speed Resonant scanner with up to 2K X 2K resolution. The AX R MP has the ability to acquire second harmonics generation for label-free imaging of collagen matrix. This system has a wide selection of objective lenses specific for multiphoton imaging, including a two
water-dipping objectives (10x 0.5NA and 20x 1.ONA) and a multi-immersion 20x 1.0NA objective lens with a 8.2mm working distance. Due to the advanced nature of multiphoton imaging, the MSR offers an Assisted Multiphoton Imaging Service to assist users with no background in MP imaging.

  • High-speed imaging 
    • Resonant scanner
  • Dual IF lasers 1
    • (tunable and 1 fixed) for fast multichannel MP imaging
  • Second harmonics generation
    •  for label-free imaging of collagen matrix
  • Piezo stage with 800um travel 
    • precise, high-speed zstack imaging
  • Prior motorized XYZ desk 
    • metric breadboard to accommodate
      custom intravital setups

Instrument Details
Available Lasers

InSight X3+ Tunable Ti:S Laser: 820nm - 1300nm 

InSight X3+ Fixed Laser: 1045nm

Available Objective Lenses
  • 10x Glyc Plan Apo (NA = 0.5; WD = 5.5mm)
  • 20x Plan Apo (NA = 0.75; WD = 1.0mm)
  • 20x W Apo (NA = 1.0; WD = 2.8mm)
  • 20x Glyc (NA = 1.0; WD = 8.2mm)
Available Detectors
  • GaAsP PMT (with fixed 405nm Dichroic Miror) 
  • GaAsP PMT (with fixed 488m Dichroic Mirror) 
  • GaAsP PMT (with fixed 594nm Dichroic Mirror) 
  • GaAsP PMT (with fixed 685nm Dichroic Mirror)
Emission Filters
  • DAPI/SHG - 450m / 50n
  • GFP - 525nm / 50n
  • RFP/Far Red - 600m / 50m and 650m Long Pass
Supported Samples
  • Slides 1( x 3 and 2 × 3)
  • Dishes (60mm only)
  • Custom intravital imaging setups
  • Prior H189 motorized stage desk; metric breadboard