Zelieann Craig, PhD

Associate Professor, Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences

Dr. Zelieann R. Craig earned her Bachelor's of Science in Industrial Microbiology (University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, 2004) and her Ph.D. in Physiological Sciences (University of Arizona, 2009). She completed postdoctoral training in Reproductive Toxicology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and joined The University of Arizona in 2013. She is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences (ACBS). Dr. Craig holds memberships in the BIO5 Institute and the Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center (SWEHSC) where she serves as co-leader of the Adaptive Responses to Environmental Stress Research Focus Group.

Cancer Focus

Dr. Craig’s research is focused on understanding how environmental exposures influence reproductive health. Her work characterizing toxicities associated with endocrine disruptors is aimed at understanding how chemical exposures alter ovarian function and cause adverse reproductive outcomes such as infertility and early menopause. Over the course of this research, Dr. Craig and her team have identified several genes of common importance in cancer biology and infertility as targets of environmental chemical exposures. Understanding how chemical exposures influence the function of the products of these genes and whether these alterations lead to increased risk for cancer and infertility are the main objectives of her cancer-related research focus.

Research Program Role
Cancer Biology Program

Display Name
Zelieann Craig, PhD