Melissa Herbst-Kralovetz, PhD

Dr. Melissa Herbst-Kralovetz received her bachelor's degree from Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, CO and her doctoral degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX in the Experimental Pathology Program. She completed her postdoctoral fellowship at the Biodesign Institute at ASU in the Center for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology. Dr. Herbst-Kralovetz joined the University of Arizona, College of Medicine-Phoenix in 2009 as Oncology Block/Course Director in the medical curriculum. Dr. Herbst-Kralovetz was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Departments of Basic Medical Sciences and Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2016 and Director of the Women’s Health Microbiome Initiative at the College of Medicine-Phoenix in 2017.

Cancer Focus

The Herbst-Kralovetz lab is focused on understanding the microbiome and host-microbe interactions in the female reproductive tract as it relates to gynecologic and oncologic health outcomes. She has been funded by NIH NIAID and foundations including the Flinn Foundation, ARDF and most recently the Mary Kay Foundation to study cervical and endometrial cancer. Dr. Herbst-Kralovetz utilizes clinical specimens, animal models and an innovative 3-D bioreactor system to study human epithelial and innate immune responses to commensals, pathogens, and microbial products at this site. In addition, she has recently moved into other -omics technologies including immunoproteomics and metabolomics and has a long-standing interest in enhancing women’s health outcomes through translational research.

Research Program Role
Cancer Prevention and Control Program

Display Name
Melissa Herbst-Kralovetz, PhD