Marwan Krunz, PhD
Dr. Krunz is a Regents Professor at the University of Arizona. He holds the Kenneth VonBehren Endowed Professorship in electrical and computer engineering and is also a professor of computer science. He directs the Broadband Wireless Access and Applications Center (BWAC), a multi-university NSF/industry center that focuses on next-generation wireless technologies. Previously, he served as the site director for Connection One, an NSF/industry-funded center of five universities and 20+ industry affiliates. Dr. Krunz’s research is in the fields of AI, wireless communications, and security, with recent focus on applying machine learning techniques in telecommuncations and computational biology. He has published more than 325 journal articles and peer-reviewed conference papers, and is a named inventor on 10 patents. His latest h-index is 60. He is an IEEE Fellow, an Arizona Engineering Faculty Fellow, and an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer (2013-2015). He received the NSF CAREER award. He served as the Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. He also served as editor for numerous IEEE journals. He was the TPC chair for INFOCOM’04, SECON’05, WoWMoM’06, and Hot Interconnects 9. He is the general-co-chair for WiOpt 2023, and was the general vice-chair for WiOpt 2016 and general co-chair for WiSec’12. Dr. Krunz served as chief scientist/technologist for two startup companies that focus on AI and wireless technologies.
Cancer Focus
Dr. Krunz is applying AI/machine learning techniques in the study of single-cell cancer images and matching these images with gene expression profiles obtained from single-cell RNA sequencing techniques. Utilizing novel generative advesarial networks (GANs), he is also developing AI-based technologies for enriching sparse gene expression profiles and devising ML tools for classifying relevant genes and predicting their role within heterogenous cell subpopulations under different stimuli and therapeutic treatments.