Heidi Hamann, PhD

Cancer Prevention and Control Program Co-Leader
Associate Professor, Psychology

B.A. in Human Biology; Stanford University
M.S. in Human Genetics; University of Michigan 
Ph.D. in Psychology; University of Utah 
Clinical Psychology Internship; University of Pittsburgh/Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Psychosocial and Behavioral Oncology; University of Pittsburgh

Cancer Focus

Research Interests: 
Understanding how a cancer diagnosis affects individuals and their families both during and after treatment
Developing and testing interventions to help cancer-related adjustment
Identifying important psychosocial predictors of cancer screening behaviors
My research is broadly focused on psychological and behavioral aspects of cancer screening, diagnosis and survivorship. I am interested in the psychosocial consequences of a cancer diagnosis and testing interventions to ameliorate significant concerns. My recent work has identified stigma as a considerable challenge for patients with lung cancer; our lab is developing an intervention to lessen stigma. Another recent focus is on cancer survivors, including efforts to improve their quality of life and physical activity levels.

Research Program Role
Cancer Prevention and Control Program

Display Name
Heidi Hamann, PhD