Cynthia A Thomson, PhD, RDN

Professor, Public Health
Director, Canyon Ranch Center for Prevention and Health Promotion
Distinguished Professor
Professor, Nutritional Sciences Graduate Program
Professor, Medicine
Professor, BIO5 Institute
Professor, Health Promotion Sciences


Dr. Cynthia Thomson, PhD, RDN leads a multidisciplinary research program in cancer prevention research focusing on lifestyle behaviors, cancer prevention and survivorship. Her translational research program integrates novel interventions including mobile health technologies and delivery systems, as well as behavioral theory and cancer-relevant biomarker research to advance understanding of optimal health behaviors to improve health after a cancer diagnosis. Her research predominantly focuses on obesity-related cancers (breast, ovarian, colorectal cancer) and includes dissemination and implementation science to expand the impact of her evidence-based research. She has published over 200 cancer-related peer-reviewed manuscripts and books chapters building the evidence for nutrition and physical activity guidelines for cancer prevention and survivorship.

Cancer Focus

Obesity-related cancers, cancer survivorship, healthy lifestyles, novel behavior interventions, dissemination and implementation science.

Research Program Role
Cancer Prevention and Control Program

Display Name
Cynthia A Thomson, PhD, RDN


Pinto BM, Thomson CA. 2017. Guideposts for Physical Activity, Diet, and Weight Management Interventions Among Cancer Survivors. Obesity (Silver Spring). 25 Suppl 2:S23-S24. doi:10.1002/oby.22017.