Healthbreak: UA's Breast Health Program offers multi-disciplinary team approach

The Breast Health Program at The University of Arizona Cancer Center offers patients a personalized approach to breast cancer, spanning every facet of treatment. The team is made up of nationally-renowned experts across numerous specialties, all working in symphony to ensure exceptional care.
As the only National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center headquartered in Arizona, the scientists, nurses, radiologists, surgeons, geneticists and oncologists involved in this team are dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of breast cancer. The Breast Health Program team understands that every patient is unique, so treatment plans are tailored and personalized. Specialists, from radiologists and oncologists to reconstructive surgeons, gather weekly to carefully coordinate individual patient care.
Another important part of the program is The Supportive Care for Healing team, who work closely with the treatment team, offering strategies and tools to navigate the cancer journey while providing the necessary support to strengthen both resilience and coping. Specially trained physicians in psychiatry, pain and palliative care, survivorship and integrative medicine, are available for support and decision-making. This team also includes a nurse, nutritionist, therapists and social workers who provide support for patients and their families in their fight against cancer.