Recent studies have demonstrated that mobile sampling can improve the spatial granularity of land use regression (LUR) models. Mobile sampling campaigns deploying low-cost (<$300) air quality sensors could potentially offer an inexpensive and practical approach to measure and model air pollution concentration levels. In this study, we developed LUR models for street-level fine particulate matter (PM) concentration levels in Seoul, South Korea. 169 h of data were collected from an approximately three week long campaign across five routes by ten volunteers sharing seven AirBeams, a low-cost ($250 per unit), smartphone-based particle counter, while geospatial data were extracted from OpenStreetMap, an open-source and crowd-generated geographical dataset. We applied and compared three statistical approaches in constructing the LUR models - linear regression (LR), random forest (RF), and stacked ensemble (SE) combining multiple machine learning algorithms - which resulted in cross-validation R values of 0.63, 0.73, and 0.80, respectively, and identification of several pollution ’hotspots.’ The high R values suggest that study designs employing mobile sampling in conjunction with multiple low-cost air quality monitors could be applied to characterize urban street-level air quality with high spatial resolution, and that machine learning models could further improve model performance. Given this study design’s cost-effectiveness and ease of implementation, similar approaches may be especially suitable for citizen science and community-based endeavors, or in regions bereft of air quality data and preexisting air monitoring networks, such as developing countries.
Mapping urban air quality using mobile sampling with low-cost sensors and machine learning in Seoul, South Korea.
Lim CC, Kim H, Vilcassim MJR, Thurston GD, Gordon T, Chen L-C, Lee K, Heimbinder M, Kim S-Y. 2019. Mapping urban air quality using mobile sampling with low-cost sensors and machine learning in Seoul, South Korea. Environ Int. 131:105022. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2019.105022.