Community Advisory Board member

Anna Alonzo
Research Administration Program Manager
Anna Alonzo is a native of Arizona and has worked in the community health arena in Arizona for the past 30 years. She has held positions throughout her career that focused on assisting individuals and families in need. These positions included serving as the Office Chief for Chronic Disease for the Arizona Department of Health Services; Chief Operating Officer, Mountain Park Community Health Center; Community Relations Administrator for the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System; Program Manager for the CDC Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health Program grant/Arizona Department of Health Services; Program Administrator for the American Academy of Pediatrics – Arizona Chapter, and the Manager, City of Phoenix/City Manager’s Office, Minority, and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Program. She recently retired from Dignity Health, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, where she held the position of Research Program Director for the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services Accountable Health Communities Model (AHC). The AHC model was the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ first model test focused on evaluating Health Related Social Needs screening referral, and navigation.