Research Education Core

Native Americans are the most underrepresented racial/ethnic group among physicians and scientists. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number one cause of death among Native Americans is cancer. This is in contrast to the majority population for which heart disease is the number one killer. Arizona has 22 federally recognized tribes and Native Americans make up 5% of the population. Thus the state’s universities are ideally positioned to train a greater number of Native Americans for biomedical careers. It is anticipated that this can be an effective approach to addressing cancer health disparities in Native American communities.
The goal of the NACP's Research Education Core is to increase the numbers of entering Native American students entering careers in cancer research and healthcare.
View the NACP Research Education Core at NAU
- Offer cancer disparities curriculum to students, mentors and other faculty as a joint effort between NAU and the Cancer Center.
- Provide research experiences to further grow the Native American biomedical workforce.
- Promote and support applications from Native American graduate students and postdoctoral trainees for NCI's Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) pipeline.
Research education core activities
- Summer programs to transition students from high schools or community colleges to the university.
- Mentored projects with investigators conducting cancer-related research.
- Summer internships at other institutions.
- Development of an individualized career plan.
- Attendance at national meetings focused on health research in Native American communities.
- Mentoring sessions with Native American researchers as role models.
- A graduate programs primer that provides guidance on applying for post-baccalaureate degree programs.
Build Research Experience
- University of Arizona - NACP/UBRP is a collaboration with the UArizona's Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP). The summer research opportunity is offered to six UArizona Native American undergraduates. Participants work 35 hours per week for 12 weeks in the summer on a mentored research project. View NACP mentors, benefits and eligibility.
- Summer: May-August
- Application opens November 1
Application DEADLINE: February 1
- NAU - Intro to Research aims to support four Native American first and second-year college students or first-year tribal/community college students with an introduction to the field of cancer-related research with the goal to transition them into a higher level of research.
- NAU - Research aims to support four students to improve their preparation and training for biomedical and behavioral sciences at the PhD level. This includes continuation of research and exposure to cancer-related careers.
Exposure to Careers in Cancer Research
- Graduate Programs Primer (GPP) - A mini-conference at the UArizona to provide students in NACP about UArizona graduate programs in biomedical and cancer research. This includes faculty and UArizona staff presenting on a variety of topics from admissions to financial aid as well as students touring laboratories and other related facilities, held in conjunction with the Undergraduate Biology Research Program poster session in January. During the conference, students speak with representatives from post-baccalaureate degree programs.
- "My Journey" seminars - a speaker series during the fall and spring semesters that focuses on Native American professionals in the health sciences fields. The speakers will present their work and their journey through academia while also giving students the opportunity to gain motivation, network, and knowledge about the health-science field, interests, and/or educational endeavors.
Professional Development
- Individual Development Plans (IDP) are created with each student to help in the transition from undergraduate to graduate and professional programs
Mentor NACP junior faculty and provide cultural competency training in partnership with the Outreach Core for all NACP faculty and staff.
University of Arizona Cancer Center
- Jennifer Bea, Core Lead, at
- Celina Irinea Valencia, Co-Lead, at
- Jacquanette Regina Slowtalker, Coordinator,
- Giovanni Joel Rodriguez, Administrative Assistant, at
Alexandra Elias, Administrative Assistant, at
Northern Arizona University
- Hendrik De Heer, Core Lead, at
- Naomi Lee, Co-Lead, at
- Tia Gramzinski, Coordinator, at