Postdocs and Hematology/Oncology Fellows gain experience for their next career stages through the University of Arizona Cancer Center's professional development activities and training programs.
Activities Led by the Office of Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination (CRTEC)
CRTEC has supported an unprecedented rise in successful F and K awards to UA Cancer Center postdoc, fellows, and junior faculty. Our KAR program is tailored to support and coach competitive applications through a year-round program for grant writing training, consultation, proposal development and planning, and coordination with shared resources. Email for more information.
Provide funds for trainees to present at cancer-relevant conferences, learn new techniques in a collaborator's laboratory, or attend workshops or short courses.
Training Programs for postdoctoral researchers:
Cancer Prevention and Control T32 Postdoctoral Training Fellowship
This NCI-funded fellowship offers a multi-disciplinary mentored environment integrating behavioral to biological science research focused on cancer disparities and cancer prevention.
Training programs for clinicians, residents & fellows:
Created by Andrew Weil, MD in 2000, this fellowship prepares physician graduates to treat patients in new ways that emphasize the individual, not just the disease, and prevention, not just treatment.
Fellows who have completed internal medicine training are prepared to subspecialize in hematology and medical oncology.
The Integrative Medicine in Hematology Oncology fellowship program is the first of its type in the nation. Founded in July 2022 as a collaborative fellowship with Mayo Clinic Arizona. Enrolled fellows are currently following the general curriculum for Hematology Oncology Fellowship concurrently with the IMHO curriculum. The fellowship program will prepare the fellows to be Board Eligible for the Integrative Medicine Boards, should they decide to take them.
This week-long course is a required component of the Hematology and Medical Oncology Fellowship Program. It is taught by UACC faculty. The goal is to provide training for developing investigator-initiated trials. Topics include clinical trial design, trial endpoints, biomarkers, biostatistics, epidemiology, an introduction to "wet lab" methods, biomedical ethics, and a critical review of the literature. The course also provides an opportunity for the attendees to practice oral presentations.
The mission of University of Arizona Postdoctoral Affairs is two-fold:
- advance postdoctoral scholars by providing career and professional development resources, fostering an inclusive academic community, and promoting excellence in research, innovation and impact, and
- support faculty in their role as postdoctoral mentors.
Visit the integrative medicine in hematology oncology webpage